Eze-Flow Plumbing

Plumber - Sydney Northern Beaches & North Shore

How To Tell If You Have A Blocked Shower Drain.

Marissa Raymond • Nov 10, 2022

There are certain signs which indicate that your shower drain is becoming blocked or obstructed. It is best to act quickly to save you both time and money, if left unresolved it could become a major issue. Always call a licensed plumber as we are the experts.

1. Pooling water or slow drainage

An initial sign that your shower drain is becoming blocked is the appearance of a puddle of water in the shower recess. Often the puddle doesn’t drain away, even after you have finished your shower. This pooling of water is caused by a blockage or obstruction in the shower drain.

2. Is your shower drain making odd or unusual sounds?

A second common sign that your shower drain has an obstruction or is blocked is that it makes a gurgling noise. The gurgling is caused when something is preventing water or air from flowing through your drains. It is advisable to call a plumber as a matter of urgency. 

3. Foul smell or odour coming from the shower

The presence of a foul smell or bad odour indicates that something is causing a blockage or obstruction in your shower drain. This can be a result of a build-up of hair or slime causing a partial blockage. The foul smell is prone to attracting drain flies.

4. Surcharging

Blocked drains can be a major problem, it directly affects the flow of waste-water, the water needs to go somewhere. It is common when there is a blockage for water to resurface in the bath and shower as these drains are usually the closest to the ground. This means if you run your dishwasher, washing machine, or even just running a tap and you notice that water is resurfacing in your shower or bath, you most likely have a blocked drain.

More useful links

Blocked Shower Drains

Blocked Drains and Pipes North Shore

Blocked Drains Northern Beaches

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