Eze-Flow Plumbing

Plumber - Sydney Northern Beaches & North Shore

Coronavirus: Can I Still Call a Plumber?

May 04, 2020

Good question? Are local plumbers on the Northern Beaches still working with Coronavirus?

Plumbing emergencies aren’t going to put themselves off until the threat of the coronavirus has passed, and it’s going to be a while before life returns to normal.

With everyone home all day, the pipes around your home may be feeling the strain and may need some urgent attention from a licensed Northern Beaches plumber. Given the circumstances, it’s understandable that I have been fielding a lot of calls from homeowners across the Northern Beaches who are concerned about their plumbing, or who might be having unforeseen issues or an emergency developing.

The good news is you can still call a local plumber; as it’s considered an essential service.

However, like everyone else, we all must keep our distance and take precautions.

The NSW government has set out strict guidelines for everyone to follow, but here is what to expect when we show up to your property.

No personal contact

You can greet us at the door but be sure to keep your distance (and we will too). We no longer shake hands, and while we are working around your property, we will routinely treat our hands with hand sanitizer and wear gloves.

Social distancing

A distance of 1.5 metres will be maintained while we are in your home as per government guidelines.

Personal protective equipment

EZE-Flow Plumbing has always been big on a PPE, so we will continue to use the correct equipment as set out by the industry bodies, as well as follow the guidelines from the government regarding the coronavirus, which includes hand sanitizers, masks, and gloves as required.

Remote working at home

Many of you may be working in your home office now. Just a reminder to also follow the COVID-19 guidelines, with everyone keeping their distance, and practising personal hygiene in accordance with the NSW government regulations.

What we need from our clients

Health and safety are our top priority, which is why we will need some information from our clients before booking a plumbing quote or emergency plumbing job.

Please notify us if anyone in your home is in self-isolation or under quarantine, or if anyone has been in contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

In some cases, we may decline non-urgent work, or postpone it to a later date.

These are trying times for everybody, but Chris and the EZE-Flow Plumbing team, are here to help.

If you are experiencing a plumbing emergency, please do not hesitate to give us a call today.

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